Small things – a chipped plate, slightly malfunctioning air conditioning, obvious wear and tear on furniture – can leave a negative impression on customers in industries where experience is paramount. When you have a facilities management plan in place, these small things can be fixed by professional handymen before they even become an issue. This not only saves you money in the long run by preventing major problems from developing, but makes sure that your customers have the best experience every time.
Let's face it. It is not always the big jobs that create the worst headaches.
Sometimes it is the little things: a light bulb burned out, a small flooring repair, a vent installation, cracked door framing, or minor general maintenance duties. At Vixxo, our commercial handyman service professionals can provide you with comprehensive services for maintaining the function of your restaurant, convenience, grocery, or retail space.
Though Vixxo offers a full slate of vetted, experienced technicians in your area that specialize in every possible trade, sometimes what you really need is a professional handyman. Someone who can be available quickly to fix the leaky sink in your coffee shop, the flickering light on your grocery aisle, or the cracked tile in your retail space floor. These small fixes need someone who is qualified in multiple trades with a wide base of knowledge, who can problem-solve creatively and quickly. A handyman is the right person for these types of jobs.
But you don’t want just anyone, you want the job done right the first time. That’s why Vixxo vets every single technician on our list, making sure that you have access to the skilled, licensed workers that you need in your area. Every state has different requirements for licensing, experience, and insuring commercial handyman services and handyman repairs, and Vixxo takes care of all the legal requirements for you. Our handyman repair service professionals are the best in the business, so that you don’t have to waste any time sifting through hundreds of service providers to find the ones who are reliable and skilled.
Small headaches can cause big problems. A leaky bathroom sink can mean thousands of dollars in wasted utilities if left unchecked. A faulty outlet can pose an enormous risk of fire for your business. These are jobs that a handyman is perfectly suited to resolve quickly and efficiently.
Handyman services often cover a wide range of needs that are common to all types of businesses, from commercial retail and grocery stores to restaurants and convenience. Carpentry and other physical repairs are common. These might include fixing cracked door and window framing; repairing chips in concrete, laminate, and tile floors; replacing door handles or other hardware; fixing tables and chairs, and more.
Small electrical jobs are also common for commercial handyman services. This might be as simple as replacing lightbulbs when you don’t have time, but could also include services like fixing faulty outlets, repairing and replacing old or damaged wiring, or fixing heating and air conditioning controls so that you can keep your customers comfortable.
One handyman job that every business experiences from time to time is plumbing needs. Perhaps your convenience store ice maker is overloading, or you notice that the caulking around the guest toilet has separated. Maybe the refrigerator in the retail employee breakroom needs the coolant replaced, or your beverage machines need their hosing repaired. And of course, who hasn’t had to deal with a broken toilet or leaking bathroom faucet in the middle of business hours? All of these problems slow down business and affect the customer experience. They are one more thing on top of your already full plate of responsibilities. Let your Vixxo facilities management team take care of them for you!
Handyman service providers often have training in plumbing, electrical, carpentry, flooring, small appliance repairs, and more, so that they can solve a wide variety of problems.
In fact, this allows them to deliver consistent, top-quality repair services to your business every time, without needing to waste time and money trying to coordinate multiple independent specialist contractors. For national and regional retail, restaurant, grocery, and convenience chains, having a centralized facilities management partner for handyman services can multiply your savings exponentially, no matter what comes up at your business locations.
Whether you’re in the restaurant, grocery, convenience store, or retail industry, Vixxo’s network of professional Service Providers can give you the quality handyman repairs you need. Reach out today to our Vixxo team to get connected with a handyman in your area.
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