Facilities Management News

Lighting Up Your Business: How LEDs Make for Great ROI, ASAP

By Vixxo Management on Sep 4, 2019 7:00:00 AM | 1 minute read

All businesses want to be seen in a better light. Modern lighting technology, such as LEDs, makes that happen. Besides being friendly to the environment and the budget, they literally make a business look good. What customers see is what they get – and what they see is a store they want to visit.

Topics: Retail Stores Energy Management Convenience Stores Restaurants Signs & Lighting

A Must-Do List for Your Sign & Lighting Program

By Vixxo Management on Aug 1, 2019 7:00:00 AM | 6 minute read

Written by Tim O'Donnell

Without a sign, a store may as well be an empty building.

Topics: Grocery Stores Retail Stores Convenience Stores Restaurants Signs & Lighting

Inside Self-Storage Best of Business 2019

By Vixxo Management on Jul 1, 2019 7:00:00 AM |

The Inside Self-Storage "Best of Business" reader-choice poll solicits online votes from industry professionals who elect their favorite suppliers in 40 categories. Vixxo was voted Best Signage Company of 2019!

Topics: Signs & Lighting