Facilities Management News

The Future of Self-Service in Grocery Stores

By Vixxo Management on Oct 2, 2020 12:08:27 PM | 3 minute read

Topics: COVID-19 Grocery Stores Facility Management Design

Grocery Store Operations in the New Normal

By Vixxo Management on Aug 3, 2020 2:10:28 PM | 10 minute read

Written by Arin Alexander, VP of Client Success

The world we live in has changed drastically in just a few months. Society is operating by a completely different set of norms in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the ways we work, eat, shop and interact may never return to what they were before.  

Topics: COVID-19 Grocery Stores

Top Misconceptions Of Outsourcing Facilities Management

By Vixxo Management on Jul 8, 2019 9:56:00 AM | 3 minute read

Grocers and restaurant retailers have more complex maintenance needs than businesses that deal in non-perishable goods, and that means facility managers in this industry must have a transparent view of their equipment management program. However, distributed locations and multiple service provider relationships can make this goal difficult to achieve.

Topics: Grocery Stores Retail Stores Facility Management